About Me and My Purpose

 Hello! My name is Carly and I am here to talk about ways to live a healthier and happier life. My hobbies include staying active in fun ways, cooking, and going on adventures with friends and family. I am always looking for ways I can better my body and mind whether that is eating healthy, working out, and spending time with family, friends, or significant other. Sometimes those three things are hard to balance, but taking the time to do each of them is vital for us to maintain a healthy and positive mindset. 

I currently a student athlete at the University of Oregon, and I am on the beach volleyball team. I have played beach volleyball since I was a freshman in high school. I have played volleyball since I was about 11 years old. Volleyball has always been a way for me to have fun and release any stress that has been put on me outside of the sport. I am a very competitive person so this was a way to put my limits to the test! That's when I decided I wanted to try beach volleyball to add a little competition playing in the sand! Every summer me and my best friend who also played volleyball would travel to Southern California and play in as many competitions as possible, hitting about 5 a week! Hermosa, Huntington, Manhattan, San Diego, Pacific Palisades, were only just a few of the spots we would hit. That's when I truly discovered my love for the sport... because who wouldn't want to play their sport right by the ocean in such a beautiful atmosphere?! 

But that being said I was a busy girl. I had to learn how to balance school, sports, nutrition, and my social life. It wasn't easy, but I hope through this blog I can help show you how to do the same through my experiences. It's not an easy process but putting your health and your body first will only give you positive results by bettering your mind and soul. All you have to do is invest in yourself.  


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